Friday, August 8, 2008

A blog you say?

Ok, it's Friday. Technically today is the day that we are learning about blogs, and setting up our own account on Blogger. I did this yesterday afternoon, but I was pleased to find that this is another thing under the Google umbrella, so I don't need to create yet another username and password.
We also experimented with Google docs today, which is an easy way to collaborate with friends, coworkers, or family. If you ever find yourself pulling your hair out trying to organize something, this will honesty ease your suffering.
My iSight camera wigged out on me a couple days ago, and I was a little frustrated. This computer is only a few weeks old, and the camera had previously been working. I tried a couple simple thinks, like restarting, and fiddling with preferences. I finally figured it out this morning. I had to shut down, remove the battery and power supply, push the power button, then reassemble and restart. Apparently this resets the power management unit, which tells the computer what to do when the lid is shut. This worked perfectly, and I've got my camera back, yay!
I set up a Twitter account today, so I'm experimenting with that. I found a way to post from my mobile phone, so I can keep all of zero people updated on what I'm doing. It still seems cool though.

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